The Computing Center of Al-Khawarizmi – CCK, MHESR, an internet and cloud service provider for higher education and scientific research in Tunisia, a partner of the Pythagoras Erasmus+ project responsible for impact and dissemination, organized the second physical meeting of the project on Thursday, September 26, 2024.
The consortium meeting program.
PYTHAGORAS ERASMUS+ PROJECT09:00 AM – 09:15 AM : Welcome Address & Presentation of the CCK
Pr. Saoussen Krichene, Director General of the Computing center of Khawarizmi, CCK – Tunisia09:15 AM – 09:30 AM : Welcome Address & Presentation of the University of Manouba
Pr. Ameur Cherif, Université de la Manouba – Tunisia09:30 AM – 10:00 AM : Presentation of the Progress of the PYTHAGORAS Project
Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou, University of Cyprus (UCY) – Cyprus10:00 AM – 10:20 AM : Monitoring, Evaluation, Sustainability of the PYTHAGORAS Project
Mrs. Constantina Ioannou, PwC – External Expert, Cyprus10:20 AM – 10:40 AM : Quality Assurance of the PYTHAGORAS Project
Mr. Giorgos Giorgakis, Eurosuccess Consulting – External Experts, Cyprus10:40 AM – 11:00 AM : WP 2 Modernization of existing Curricula
Pr. Yasser Gaber Dessouky, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport – Egypt11:00 AM – 11:20 AM : WP 3 Numerical in Labour Market
Dr. Amine Dhraief, University of Manouba – Tunisia11:20 AM – 11:40 AM :
WP 4 Innovative learning and courses
Dr. Alessio Castorrini, Universita Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza, Rome – Italy11:40 AM – 12:00 AM :
WP 5 International and interconnected numerical center
Dr. Abdel Fattah Elgendy, Ain Shams University – Egypt12:00 AM – 12:20 AM :
WP 6
Impact and Dissemination
Dr. Jamel Aloui, Computing center of Khawarizmi, CCK – Tunisie12:20 AM – 01:00 PM : Open discussion and Q&A. Coordinated by Pr. Saoussen Krichen, DG of the CCK – Tunisia
Closing of the Consortium meeting.
Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou, University of Cyprus (UCY) – Cyprus
More details :

Pythagoras is a Erasmus+ Project, aimed Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education, Co-funded by the European Union under the ERASMUS-EDU-2022-#CBHE grant agreement 101083132).
Partners of the Pythagoras Erasmus+ project.
- University of Cyprus (UCY Cyprus)
- Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT Egypt)
- Universite de la Manouba (UMA Tunisia)
- Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi (CCK Tunisia)
- Ain Shams University (ASU Egypt)
- Universita Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza (UNIROMA1 Italy)
- Sfax University (USF Tunisia)
- Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ARST Egypt)