Al-Khawarizmi Computing Center (CCK – https://cck.rnu.tn/) is the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the higher education and scientific research sector in Tunisia, that includes all Tunisian universities and scientific research institutions.
CCK Mission is to:
- Organize, promote, ensure and encourage the use of digital technologies in academia and science in general.
- Provide the infrastructure and tools necessary for the establishment and management of a National University Network (RNU), interconnected to the Internet and other NRENs by means of highspeed links.
- Produce and host ICT platforms and services geared towards academic, scientific and socio-economic circles
• Ensure continuous improvement of RNU in response / forecast to changing needs and / or technological advances. - Provide training, retraining and services related to the specialty of the center for the benefit of public or private parties, national or foreign in the field of ICT.
- Ensure the role of an observatory of technological and scientific development in the field of ICT for academia.

Others partners :
- University of Cyprus (UCY Cyprus)
- Universite de la Manouba (UMA Tunisia)
- Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport(AASTMT Egypt)
- Ain Shams University (ASU Egypt)
- Universita Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza (UNIROMA1 Italy)
- Sfax University (USF Tunisia)
- Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ARST Egypt)